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Things from the Fudget library used in the examples

Top level, main program

fudlogue :: F a b -> IO ()
used on the top level to connect the main fudget to the Haskell I/O system.
shellF :: String -> F a b -> F a b
creates shell (top level) windows. All GUI programs need at least one of these.

GUI building blocks (widgets)

labelF :: String -> F a b
creates string labels.
quitButtonF :: F a b
creates quit buttons.
intInputF :: F Int Int
creates integer entry fields.
intDispF :: F Int a
creates integer displays.
buttonF :: String -> F Click Click
creates command buttons.

Combinators, plumbing

>==< :: F b c -> F a b -> F a c
serial composition.
>+< :: F i1 o1 -> F i2 o2 -> F (Either i1 i2) (Either o1 o2)
parallel composition of two fudgets, which can be of different type.
listF:: [(t,F i o)] -> F (t,i) (t,o)
parallel composition of a list of fudgets. All parts must have the same type.

Adding application specific code

mapF :: (i->o) -> F i o
constructs stateless abstract fudgets.
mapstateF :: (s->i->(s,[o])) -> s -> F i o
construct stateful abstract fudgets.


labLeftOfF :: String -> F i o -> F i o
put a label to the left of a fudget
placerF :: Placer -> F i o -> F i o
is used to explicitly specify the relative placement of the parts of a composite fudget. The first argument is a placer, e.g., one of the following:
verticalP :: Placer
vertical placement, top to bottom.
revP :: Placer -> Placer
used to place parts in the reverse order.
matrixP :: Int -> Placer
creates a matrix with the given number of columns.
holeF :: F a b
creates holes, e.g. if not all places in a matrix can be used.