¤ compLF, serCompLF, et al


compLF :: (F a b, Orientation) -> F c d -> F (a  c) (b  d)
serCompLF :: (F d f, Orientation) -> F e d -> F e f
>#+< :: (F a b, Orientation) -> F c d -> F (a  c) (b  d)
>#==< :: (F d f, Orientation) -> F e d -> F e f
data Orientation = Above | Below | RightOf | LeftOf
instance Eq Orientation
instance Ord Orientation
instance Show Orientation


compLF (f1,orient) f2


These combinators connect fudgets like the corresponding combinators without a # in the name, but they have extra arguments for specifying layout.


(f1,orient) :: (F a b, Orientation)
Left fudget and layout info. orient is the placement of f1 relative to f2.
f2 :: F c d
Right fudget.




  (>#+<) = compLF
  (>#==<) = serCompLF
  (f1,Above)>#+<f2 = placerF verticalP        (f1>+<f2)
  (f1,Below)>#+<f2 = placerF (revP verticalP) (f1>+<f2)

See Also

Corresponding combinators without layout: compF, serCompF.

Related combinators: listLF, placerF.

Dynamic Layout.