xrequest :: (FudgetIO d) => XRequest -> (XResponse -> Maybe a) -> (a -> d b c) -> d b c xrequestF :: XRequest -> (XResponse -> Maybe a) -> Cont (F b c) a xrequestK :: XRequest -> (XResponse -> Maybe a) -> Cont (K b c) a
xrequest xrequest expected contf
is a general function to call Xlib routines which return a result.
But there are also functions tailored to make specific calls, so there is
probably no need to use xrequest
directly in
application code.
xrequest :: XRequest
expected :: XResponse -> Maybe a
Just x
for the response you are waiting for and
contf :: a -> d b c
Various Xlib calls: allocNamedColor, createGC, createFontCursor, loadQueryFont, readBitmapFile, createPixmap, getWindowRootPoint, getWindowPropertyK, internAtomK, queryPointerK.
Performing Haskell IO operations: haskellIO et al.
Performing Socket IO operations: sIO et al.
Performing X Commands: xcommand et al.