3 Skypephone

Cameras Computers Another toy


[3 Skype service is not available anymore] [3 Skype Phone]

I got my 3 Skypephone on January 4, 2008, and I just thought I'd share what I have found out about it.

Update: On November 30, 2010, 3 turned off Skype service in their network. The built-in Skype client in this phone is now useless.

The 3 skypephone went on sale late 2007 and was one of the first phones in Sweden to support 3G networking, yet it was very small and light. The first iPhone was also released in 2007, but it didn't support 3G and was not sold in Sweden. The iPhone 3G wasn't released until 2008-07-10.

About the phone

Marketed as 3 Skypephone (www.3skypephone.com)
Manufacturer Amoi
Model WP-S1
Size & weight 100x44x14 mm, 86g
Power 3.7V 1150mAh Li-Ion, 11 days standby claimed, 4.3h talk claimed
Mobile Data 3G (UMTS), max 384/384kbps
Included storage 512MB micro-SD card
Web browser identity Amoi 8512/R21.0 NF-Browser/3.3
Skype client Thin client by iSkoot
Modem (response to ATI) Manufacturer: QUALCOMM INCORPORATED
Model: 186
Revision: M6260A-KYRZ-2.1.3022 1 [Aug 10 2007 08:00:00]

Skype feature support

Computer WP-S1
Contact list with online status yesyes
Skype-to-Skype Chat yesyes
Skype-to-Skype voice call yesyes
Emoticons (smileys) yes no
Notification of incoming chat yes no (*)
Skype video calls yesno
SkypeIn yesno
SkypeOut yesno
Skype Voicemail yesno
View User profiles yesno
Rename Contacts yesno
Respond to authentication requests yesyes
Cost Free SEK 150/month(**)

(*) You are notified of an incoming chat only if Skype is active, but in order to lock the keypad, you have to return the phone to the idle mode. Thus, if you keep your phone in your pocket, your will still appear to be signed in, but your friends will think that you are ignoring them. You will have to take it out, unlock the keypad and press the Skype button to find out if someone is trying to chat with you.

(**) Only the free Skype services are supported, but they are only available on the phone for 30 days after every refill (SEK 150 minimum) of your prepaid card (3Kontant). You can not take advantage of the low SkypeOut calling rates.

[3 Skype Phone with Mini-USB headset]


Size2", 176x220px
Dark text on light backgroundGood viewing angle
PhotosPoor viewing angle


MP3 player yes
OGG/Vorbis support no
Playlists Can be created and named, but they are not saved
Headset Included, mini-USB plug, mediocre audio quality
Equalizer A few fixed settings, sometimes changes don't bite


Still1600x1200 (2MP)

Java applications compatibility

Applications run, but keyboard input doesn't work (except for navigation keys).

Opera Mini Blocks multitask key, you have to quit to access other phone features.
Gmail Useless, can't sign in without keyboard input.


Mini-USB Headset. Charger. Computer: charge, PC-Sync, Mass storage device.
Bluetooth Headset. Exchange files. OBEX File sharing. Modem.
